What I Saw - Aug. 11, 2021
at my sister’s bedside as she died was her light leaving and my darkness too like a divergent duet perfectly timed to confuse but what I...
at my sister’s bedside as she died was her light leaving and my darkness too like a divergent duet perfectly timed to confuse but what I...
arguments begin when different human pressures collide forming clouds that sometimes darken and bring rain it’s only after the sun...
mangoes are like children their personalities and character develop at their own speed some never want to let go of mother others can’t...
With a friendly moon about regrets can be ignored without any fear from clouds But by the wet season it’s already too late to fix those...
dawn gloom, no bird song my sadness questions the rain a sun without ears
on the cusp of finishing a poem and fishing for a splashy finale I know my secret bait always hooks a few nice ones my task is to know...
we know babies have their tears stolen because you and I still keep them locked safely inside our sad places
even if we make every correct turn we need to and perform every deed we’re supposed to we won’t find happiness a strategy thoroughly...
if there was a gravestone Meditation would stick out fromof a shallow grave of dust on top of my bookshelf after 38½ years of...
astounding - the total of found-love poems ever written understandable - the smaller number of lost-love lyrics penned for whatever we...