No trick, No treat - Oct. 31, 2020
with mask over endless facades leather outfit to cover soft tissue emotions and tough voice to hide a despairing character she plays...
with mask over endless facades leather outfit to cover soft tissue emotions and tough voice to hide a despairing character she plays...
for so long we’ve been spinning through independent heavens whistling through existence in unparalleled arcs that lack an orbit my moon...
like everyone else I was gifted three companions at birth Past Present Future we started growing together then grew farther and...
was it a gold bracelet box of chocolates or fancy pink sunglasses you once carried into this house? after you broke your handle you...
of course everyone knows love is not held aloft on a scaffold of words the heart endures no gravity so what else can she do when she...
for the few who cherish and hold highest evenness acceptance flow after the rain clears and the storm’s envelope passes they are like...
like a wink from a newborn an old couple touching lips a cheek lick from a hummingbird nothing strikes hits the spot like love
at the end of the hundred forks of the hundred paths we did our best to choose the sharpest blade awaits death in dark scrubs preps for...
around mother’s regurgitations that he sucks from her open craw and I with a napkin blotting corn chowder from my lips the baby hummer...
here we are like-minded travelers that throw ropes and pull each other up the mountain slap each other on the back praise a phrase hail...
full but still craving the cupboard doesn’t have it my soul still hungry
my neighbor across the street joked late to gather his mail I laughed and waved placed tomorrow’s poem in the box on Poetry Rock and...
oh beautiful youth kings of ignorance and laughable conclusions you get older mice in moonlight scattering for answers come softer...
a life of conquests the hummingbird’s blue tonsils the flower’s blue smile
as this body’s bones shrink skin cracks and brain leaks the heaviest cloud on the horizon is mortality always unprepared before it’s now...
here’s a holy trinity that’s easy to understand I love you
love often fragile and timid shy or even a bit aloof avoids attention like a buck high-tailing it if spotted however when cornered and...
obvious godsends we easily acknowledge cancer in remission a fat Christmas bonus grandma fine and laughing after a bad fall but what...