Smile! Oct. 12, 2022it’s our longest expression one we can stretch a mile wide on a face of inches the gentle downhill the soft slingshot up the other side...
Air Traffic - Oct. 11, 2022above the pond the dragonfly’s dance beautifully unrehearsed from the phoebe’s rock a dip-dive to snatch a fly hummingbirds crisscross...
At the Carwash - Oct. 10, 2022we pamper them occasionally don’t we? reward our metal slaves for their sacrifice a warm wash and wipe down massage to shine like clean...
The Old Guru Visits - Oct. 3, 2022in a dream his hand on my shoulder "things are never as they appear" a pointed reference to the dramas I keep falling into and reminding...
Sunrise Poet - Oct. 2, 2022don’t call him at dawn or knock even if the lights are still on he’s up but unavailable already gone to a world the bans casual...