Met a nice young couple today at a new patch of algae, brought their three children. A bit wild, running everywhere, one bumped into me and never apologized. Kids these days. Oh well.
Beautiful morning. I’m retired. Life is easy now, though I do miss my wife terribly. The smoothness of her shell, the way our feelers touched. Her slime trail still makes me tear up when I cross it.
My brother invited me over again tonight for dinner at his place and when it was time to leave, I went home and wrote this.
One more minute, one second more crawling this lifelong routine of endless loops in gloomy shadows, and now alone, I can’t do it anymore. I’m on the brink of crazy. Tonight I’ll climb above the water’s edge and settle on a rock. The moon is full now so at least I’ll have company, and I’ll stay there all night and wait, for something - a sign, a revelation, inspiration.
Like those movies with a forbidden zone that someone crosses into. That’s probably what it will feel like. Of course, in films someone usually returns but don’t bother to look for me. I can tell you right now, I won’t be in any of the places you last saw me.