Morning on Fire - Nov. 11, 2021Gary Huntertoday the sun erupted at dawnmolten orange tonguein a sneer of bloodred cloudsshe spits her guts at a fading nightburns holes in theretreating grayreminds me of what trembleson the other side of my life
today the sun erupted at dawnmolten orange tonguein a sneer of bloodred cloudsshe spits her guts at a fading nightburns holes in theretreating grayreminds me of what trembleson the other side of my life
Doggie Dior - Nov. 30, 2021when Gracie rubs her cheek in dried dog poop I can never tell if it’s Christian Dior or some cheap gaudy knock off don’t know whether...
I Hang on to 69 - Nov. 29, 2021dug in with fingernails unable to crawl back to my 50’s losing the rear view of my 40’s looking down I see a murky future straight up...
My Unfed Life - Nov. 28, 2021these lips would nibble sunlight if not for chicken pot pies or suckle my good memories but for perfectly ripe avocados I’d drink a fresh...