We Both Scavenge - Feb. 14, 2022Gary Hunterwell actually I pick curios off the surfaceof consciousness while he dips for bugs throughthe pond’s glassa poet and a flycatcher both in daily need of nourishmentone desperate to fly higherthan he has before
well actually I pick curios off the surfaceof consciousness while he dips for bugs throughthe pond’s glassa poet and a flycatcher both in daily need of nourishmentone desperate to fly higherthan he has before
Fire Speaks - Feb. 28, 2022I love the stories a good fire tells the animated exaggerated far-fetched spoken with wide tongues of flame pops and snaps for side...
Nail Biting - Feb. 27, 2022I paint the bitter coating over my keratin carefully on the vulnerable spots in sunlight the tips of my fingers like the barrels of ten...
Your Best Buddy - Feb. 26, 2022with virtues beyond words and forgiveness guaranteed more intimate than breath unfailingly loving and loyal How do you spell your best...