When Joy drops its Flute - April 24, 2021Gary Hunteror the crown falls from a king’s heador a monk slips on a drunken kissor wishes get blown off courseor plans fall into quicksand we wait for the mostanticipated momentin the song of a lifewhen it reclaimsits resolute chord
or the crown falls from a king’s heador a monk slips on a drunken kissor wishes get blown off courseor plans fall into quicksand we wait for the mostanticipated momentin the song of a lifewhen it reclaimsits resolute chord
Blindfolded - April 30, 2021crickets gossip in shadowy corners the moon glows through the clouds the morning starts evil-gray as the past maintains its grip waiting...
Don't Save a Second - April 29, 2021time steals your hourly balance as often as clouds slip in and out of circulation and since you can’t accumulate or invest minutes or...