Who Started It - August 10, 2021Gary Hunterarguments beginwhen different humanpressures collideforming cloudsthat sometimes darkenand bring rainit’s only afterthe sun returnsthat rainbowscatch the tail endof a quarrel and begin the gossipof who started it
arguments beginwhen different humanpressures collideforming cloudsthat sometimes darkenand bring rainit’s only afterthe sun returnsthat rainbowscatch the tail endof a quarrel and begin the gossipof who started it
Mother of Poets - Aug. 31, 2021many eyes see her as a bucket of light thrown over everything ears hear her from the throat of a wooden flute not shaped in this solar...
Hidden Realms - Aug. 30, 2021peace feels deeper in the morning when the sun’s mission is to warm bones and brighten hearts ugly secrets and other confessions awaken...
Cloudy Beliefs - Aug. 29, 2021occasionally walk through the rain without an umbrella uncomfortable mystery is part of the marrow of life and getting wet is not always...